Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script.
Brief description
Inventory Management Module is a tool that allows you to track goods across your business’s supply chain. It optimizes the entire spectrum spanning from order placement with your vendor to order delivery to your customer, mapping the complete journey of a product. Through accurate tracking of goods, businesses can minimize waste, analyze trends, and make better investment decisions.
Module Features
- Product/Service Management : Inheriting from the items of Perfex CRM, this feature adds many other extended attributes such as product code, SKU, purchase price, sub-group, images, profit rate, sale price, warehouse, tag, barcode, product variant, styles, model, sizes, color, warranty, long description, ...
- Bulk Import Products
- Bulk Import Opening Stock
- Print Barcode Labels
- Barcode Scanning
- Inventory Receiving Voucher Management
- Delivery Note Management
- Packing List Management
- Shipping Activity Logs
- Internal Delivery Note Management
- Loss & Adjustment Management
- Receiving – Exporting Return Order Management
- Inventory Transactions Management
- Warehouse Management
- Stock Summary Report
- Inventory Analytics
- Inventory Valuation Report
- General Settings
- Min/Max Safety Stock
- Sale Price Settings
- Product/Service Type Management
- Product/Service Group Management
- Product/Service Sub Group Management
- Product/Service Unit Management
- Color Management
- Model Management
- Sizes Management
- Styles Management
- Warehouse Custom Fields
- Approval Process Management
- Permission Management
- Prefix Settings
- Integration:
Perfex CRM Inventory Management Demo
Included documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.
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Version 1.0.0 / 2020-06-25Initial versionVersion 1.0.3 / 2020-07-06
Fix some bugs Add discounts Link inventory notes with invoices Displays the amount of stock in the delivery note Edit the price when creating a delivery note Add Tax in the received/delivery noteVersion 1.0.5 / 2020-07-08
Fix minor bugs Add warranty attribute for item Add lot number Display additional warranty attributes (automatically calculated warranty period when out of stock) in the delivery noteVersion 1.0.6 / 2020-07-14
Fix minor bugs Optimize item list. Add some columns in the import fileVersion 1.1.0 / 2020-07-26
Fix minor bugs. Set the profit rate, the profit rate that can be applied on each item. From the profit rate, the selling price can be calculated in two ways: according to the profit margin of the purchase price or the profit margin of the selling price. Support rounding the value of the sale price. Support to automatically create inventory when having Purchase Order or create delivery receipt when sales invoice is available. Delete & rollback goods receipt, goods delivery. Autofill inventory information from purchase order. Autofill delivery note from sales invoices. Analyze current inventory value based on profit rate, purchase price & selling price.Version 1.1.4 / 2020-08-19
Add custom field for item Add tag for item Add feature to import and export internal warehouse Add feature to import inventory at the beginning of the period Add feature to import minimum inventory Add automatic inventory and expiration date alerts Add the attribute that categorizes products with inventory or services When updating or canceling the invoice, the quantity in the delivery note will be updated accordingly Add feature to delete Inventory delivery voucher, Inventory receiving voucher, item Add filters in the report Add task feature in Inventory delivery voucher and Inventory receiving voucher (Please read the attached instructions on how to add hook to use this function) Add prefix and next number for Inventory delivery voucher, Inventory receiving voucher, Internal delivery note and SKU Add approval process for Inventory Adjustment and Import & export internal warehouseVersion 1.1.7 / 2021-01-25
Add Warehouse Management, custom fields for warehouse. Upgrade Inventory Receiving Voucher. Upgrade Inventory Relivery Voucher. Upgrade Internal delivery note. Add data reset feature. Add prefix for stock receipts, delivery receipts, internal transfer slip and sku. Add approval process for internal delivery, loss and adjustment. Display inventory for each different warehouse. Search item via barcode scanner. Create, update barcoded items and fill out the form via barcode scanner. Print the items barcode. Update documentations & videos. Additional languages: bulgarian, catalan, chinese, czech, dutch, french, german, greek, indonesia, italian, japanese, persian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, slovak, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian, vietnamese.Version 1.2.5 / 2022-04-08
Fix minor bugs. Update warehouse address according to international standards. Display the inventory quantity by each warehouse in the product list. Upgrade and optimize product search. Improve UI for inventory receiving voucher, delivery note, internal delivery note, and loss & adjustment features. Add product variant features. Add barcode scanning in product search, add products, receive vouchers, and delivery note features. Add barcode printing feature. Add PDF export feature for internal delivery note. Add feature to manually add opening stock. Add shipping activity logs feature in the delivery note. Add feature to create partial or full delivery notes from sales invoices. Add packing list feature for delivery note. Support for PHP 8.x.Version 1.2.6 / 2022-05-22
Add the feature to create inventory receiving vouchers for orders returned from sales. Add the ability to create delivery notes for return orders from purchases.Version 1.2.7 / 2022-05-25
Fix minor bugs. Upgrade the warranty feature. Add warranty reports. Add the serial number management feature for inventory receiving vouchers. Add the feature to see detailed serial number for delivery note, packing list. Add the shipping cost for delivery note, packing list. Integrate the sales return orders (Omni-channel sales module) and purchase return orders (Purchase management module).Version 1.2.8 / 2022-06-21
[Fixed] Updated currency for inventory receiving voucher and delivery note. [Updated] When deleting the delivery note, restore the serial number. [Updated] When deleting the delivery note, update it to the relevant sales order in the omnichannel sales module. [Added] The serial number can be manually selected when creating a delivery note.Version 1.2.9 / 2022-06-24
[Updated] Update a shipment when creating a delivery note. [Added] Add an option in settings to show all items in related select boxes.Version 1.3.1 / 2022-10-03
[Updated] Barcode printing function. [Updated] Inventory valuation report. [Added] Upgrade serial number function for features: items, inventory receiving, delivery note, packing list, loss & adjustment. [Added] Integrate with Sales Agent Management moduleVersion 1.3.1 / 2024-05-22
Fix Bug - Serial number: Remove Serial number has value is "null" Fix Bug - filter by barcode: update filterVersion 1.3.2 / 2024-05-22
Update language key: unit name in the Inventory valuation report Fix bug inventory_valuation_report: filter is wrong when selecting all repositories and not selecting warehouses Update Inventory Delivery voucher: don't create a delivery note from the invoice if quantity is not available Revert Delivery note after invoice deleted Update Inventory receiving voucher: Save the corresponding inventory quantity according to the inventory price Item: update filter related to Commodity group, sub Group, Style, Model, Size, Color, WarrantyVersion 1.3.3 / 2024-05-22
Fix bugs: Pressing save multiple times creates many duplicate items Update: for each warehouse, there will be an option "show warehouse when inventory = 0" otherwise it will hide this warehouse on the product management screen Add permissions to Inventory: right to export only and right to import only warehouse Update Delivery Note PDF with shortened form when the item has multiple serial numbers Fix bug: Uniform inventory quantity in item view and report stock. Revert serial number after deleting approved release slipVersion 1.3.4 / 2024-05-22
Fix bug-related new template Fix bug when run on PHP 8.1 Inventory delivery voucher: add permission to change the serial number on the delivery note Add the setting "Display price when printing barcode" Show invoice no on view receipt note Check that the commodity code is unique Return order: fix the bug and create the return from the Sales Order. Loss & Adjustment: fix bug when creating loss & adjustment Inventory delivery voucher: Fix bug Revert quantity twice when deleting approved stock release slip (in case the product does not enter expiry date lot number). Unify inventory quantity in item view and report stock. Revert serial number Inventory receipt voucher: fix the bug don't load the item when creating a receipt voucher from the Purchase OrderVersion 1.3.5 / 2024-05-22
Item: fix bug Create variant products Fix the error of the Custom field (belonging to Items) of multi multi-select type not being able to save multiple options The shipment display does not match the invoice Fix the error of items not being stocked correctly in settings related to the option "Create an inventory receipt when the Purchase Order is approved" Return Order: Fix bug "Select Inventory" error after approving the Return Order created from "Inventory Receipt Voucher" Delivery note: Fix bug revert serial number when creating a return from Delivery note Fix bug create an invoice for the product in service New feature: Assign warehouse management to employees New feature: Allows deleting and recreating Inventory receipt voucher from Purchase Order Fix bug: “csrf_token_name” dynamic Fix bug: create delivery notes from the invoice ( invoices have many similar items )Version 1.3.6 / 2024-05-22
Fix bug: filter on report Add option “notify a customer when changing delivery statusVersion 1.3.7 / 2024-05-22
Add option hidden shipping feeVersion 1.3.8 / 2024-05-22
Automatically generate batch numbers when creating Inventory Receipt Voucher: Lot Number Structures Example: LOT-0123-00000 LOT: Prefix for allowing options 0123: month (2 numbers) + year (2 numbers) 00000: Increase by 5 numbers Setting: Lot Number Prefix and Next Lot Number Customizing Measurement unit name on the Packing list. Customizing the display of information on the Packing list PDF. Hide option “Add opening stock” on the table when the Item is a non-stock products. Inventory Delivery Voucher: decrease Double the amount of inventory when Delivery Note automatically creates it from Invoice. Inventory Receipt Voucher: 2 inventory receiving vouchers are automatically created from 1 purchase order (if the admin approves the purchase order with options without following the process). Items: Fix bug import item Items Cron job data: fix bug save data Notification recipients in Inventory Cron Setting Item: Fix bug update variation + custom fields select multiple Add Excel export function for INVENTORY VALUATION REPORT, STOCK SUMMARY REPORT Additional import, Excel export for field Tax2 Fix bugs Import item color, Inventory min Add Own view permission for features: Inventory receiving voucher, Inventory delivery voucher, Packing Lists, Internal delivery note, Loss & adjustment, Receiving-Exporting return order. Update inventory balance at the beginning of the period when the Inventory delivery voucher is created from the InvoiceVersion 1.3.9 / 2024-05-22
Add Purchase Price column for Return orders created from Inventory delivery Upgrade source code to be compatible with PHP 8.1. Upgraded features to be compatible with the latest version of Perfex CRM.