Smart Booking system is a website built on Laravel that will help you create categories, services, employees, and customers as well to start appointment booking.
Demo Details
Admin portal URL: Demo Link
Web URL: Frontend Link
Super Admin
Email : superadmin@gmail.com
Password : 123456
Email : owner@gmail.com
Password : 123456
Email : manager@gmail.com
Password : 123456
Main Features
- Informative Dashboard
- User Management
- User Roles and Permissions
- Employee Management
- Customer Management
- Appointment Management
- Appointment Payment
- Appointment Category Management
- Appointment Service Management
- Support System
- Contact Management
- Support / Notes Management
- Company Settings
- Account Settings
- Application Settings
- Email Settings
- Multi Languages
- Payment Settings
- Manage Transaction
- Subscription Management
- Multi Theme Colors
- RTL/LTR Theme
System Requirements
- PHP >= 8.1
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
For any questions,issue or suggestions request please mail me at smartwebinfotech89@gmail.com
Version 1.3 (23 April 2024) * Added theme multicolor with custom color picker * Small improvement in theme design layout.
Version 1.2 (28 Feb 2024) * Small improvement in pricing, settings, and role page design layouts. * Fixed small issues. * Added Frontend landing page (Customer can books his appointments)
Version 1.1 (10 Dec 2023) * Added Landing page * Added Appointment Calendar
Version 1.0 (02 Dec 2023) * Initial Release