screenshotsEnt/addUser.png screenshotsEnt/changePass.png screenshotsEnt/dash1.png screenshotsEnt/dashboard.png screenshotsEnt/deleteUser.png screenshotsEnt/editPass.png screenshotsEnt/editUser.png screenshotsEnt/gen1.png screenshotsEnt/home.png screenshotsEnt/landing.png screenshotsEnt/output.png screenshotsEnt/output2.png screenshotsEnt/profile.png screenshotsEnt/setup1.PNG screenshotsEnt/userDetails.png
UltimateSpeed PHP is a powerful tool designed to rapidly generate CRUD operations and admin authentication by simply connecting to a new or existing database. This versatile solution streamlines the development process, allowing developers to create robust applications with essential features in no time.
Instantly generate Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations, providing a solid foundation for your application. Built-in admin authentication ensures secure access control, allowing for efficient user and role management.
Super Admin
Username: admin@hezecom.com
Password: hezecom22
Username: user@hezecom.com
Password: hezecom22
Instantly generate Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations, providing a solid foundation for your application. Built-in admin authentication ensures secure access control, allowing for efficient user and role management.
See the demo in action
Super Admin
Username: admin@hezecom.com
Password: hezecom22
Username: user@hezecom.com
Password: hezecom22
See the video in action
Detail Features
- Responsive landing page
- Responsive admin and users interface
- Well structured project
- Graphical ready admin dashboard
- Light weight and fast
- Build in secured auth
- Bootstrap 5
- User Roles Management
- Chart layout dashboard
- Admin and Users Login
- Slim 4.x
- Twig 3.x
- Eloquent Database ORM
- Friendly GUI
- Roles Management
- Auto Detect Relational database
- Support table join, master detail
- Reporting/Export (Excel, CSV, PDF)
- Auto generate translated language file for all table fields
- CRUD Generated are purely best practices
- Instant code preview after generating
- Generated code support multi database connection
- Option to Enable or Disable HTML5 form validation
- Detect form input
- Detect Enum field and use as dropdown
- Detect (TEXT,MEDIUMTEXT,LONGTEXT) and use as textarea
- Generated codes are well commented
- Single or multiple File/Image Uploading
- Full Documentation
- PHP 7.4 or 8.x
- MySQL 5+
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- GD Extension
- PHP ZIP Extension
===== 28/03/2023 - VERSION 5.8 ===== - Fix bugs and some compatibility issue with PHP 8.2
===== 24/02/2023 - VERSION 5.7 ===== - Library updated to support latest PHP version - Bug fixed
===== 30/05/2022 - VERSION 5.5 ===== - Bug fixed
===== 10/04/2022 - VERSION 5.2 ===== - Fixed auth issues
===== 19/03/2022 - VERSION 5.1 ===== - All new code generator design - Landing page - New project structure - New file tree structure
===== 01/03/2022 - VERSION 5.0 ===== - All new design - Code rewritten from scratch - Completely new interface - New code structure - Bootrap 5 - Twig for templating - Slim for routing - New secure auth - Support PHP 7.4 and 8.0+
===== 12/01/2018 - VERSION 3.2 ===== - Compatibility with PHP 7.x - Now uses dompdf for reporting - Better password security
===== 03/07/2015 - VERSION 3.0 ===== - New Improved design and code structure - Ready to use dashboard with database statistics - Auto generate charts summary based on record on each table - Autocomplete search for each table - Ability to choose between full Ajax forms and none Ajax forms - Different validation option: HTML5, AJAX and PHP validation - Now have HTML 5 lite Editor
===== 13/05/2014 - Version 2.0 ===== - Admin Panel with login. Users management system, create unlimited users with roles. Export header_error fix. - Better code structure to meet MVC standard - Validation made easier with example on how to on controller page with error handling generated automatically. E.g. if (post('slug')==''){ $errors[] = 'A value is required!'; } - Better pagination structure to accept more gets. - You can now export only one record on detail page and all on viewall page - Jquery library updated to v1.10.2 - Bootstrap library updated v3.1.1
===== 22/12/2013 - Version 1.5 ===== PHP pagination to handle big data. jQuery pagination Secured Directory
===== 07/11/2013 - Version 1.0 ===== First release