This plugin includes multiple utilities that help you work with the Markdown syntax in the context of WordPress.
Use the powerful features added by this plugin to speed up your publishing workflow. Ultimate Markdown comes with a Markdown editor, block editor integration (with an importer and exporter of Markdown files), a dedicated menu to perform bulk operations (bulk import or bulk export of Markdown files), and dedicated REST API endpoints that allow advanced users to create or read Markdown documents from external applications or other plugins.
Lite Version
The Lite version of Ultimate Markdown allows you to use part of the plugin’s functionalities. Get it now from the WordPress.org plugin repository.
Editor Sidebar Sections
Below are the details on the Markdown utilities added to the WordPress block editor.
Import Markdown
This sidebar section includes a file uploader that you can use to quickly create a WordPress article from Markdown files stored locally on your device.
Load Markdown
This functionality, available in the post editor, allows you to generate a post from a Markdown document previously added to plugin internal documents.
Submit Markdown
This feature lets you quickly convert Markdown text to perfectly formatted editor blocks using a dedicated text area.
Export Markdown
Use this feature to download the currently edited article as a Markdown file.
Markdown Editor
Create Markdown documents directly in the plugin using the include Markdown editor. We built the editor using the Marked JavaScript parser to provide a precise and quick preview of the edited Markdown text.
Create posts from uploaded Markdown files
On the plugin’s dedicated administrative page, you can upload unlimited Markdown documents and convert them to posts.
In addition, from the plugin options, you can configure the post type and, optionally, the category of the posts generated from your Markdown files.
Create plugin documents from uploaded Markdown files
Use this feature to create Markdown documents (stored in the plugin’s internal archive of Markdown documents) from uploaded Markdown files.
Bulk Export posts, pages, or custom post types
This feature allows you to bulk export the posts of your WordPress site. In the provided form, you can select the post type, the categories, and the tags used as a source of the export operation. Note that this operation generates a compressed archive (.zip) of Markdown files.
Bulk export the plugin’s internal documents
With this functionality, you can quickly export all the Markdown documents (stored in the plugin’s internal archive of Markdown documents). The exported documents will be available as a compressed archive (.zip) of Markdown files.
Front Matter
This plugin supports Front Matter, a block of key-value content placed at the top of Markdown documents. You can use Front Matter to configure post metadata such as the post title, post date, post status, excerpt, categories, tags, etc.
Popular publishing platforms like Hugo, Jekyll, etc., have adopted Front Matter. However, it is still not available for WordPress users. With Ultimate Markdown, you can now leverage Front Matter to set up every aspect of your articles quickly.
The example below demonstrates how you can use Front Matter to configure the post title, excerpt, and status of a WordPress post:
--- title: The post title excerpt: The post excerpt status: private --- ## First Heading Paragraph Content.
The complete list of supported keys is available in the Front Matter section of the plugin documentation.
The plugin adds two REST API endpoints to your WordPress site. You can configure the type of authentication required to use these endpoints from the plugin options.
For more information, the documentation of the endpoints is available here.
Import Documents
Create WordPress posts or Markdown documents by submitting HTTP requests to a dedicated REST API endpoint created by the plugin.
List Documents
The plugin also comes with a REST API endpoint that allows you to read the Markdown documents stored in the plugin.
Additional Features
Markdown parser for import operations
The plugin can perform the Markdown import operations with one of the following parsers:
- Parsedown
- Parsedown Extra
- Cebe Markdown
Note that you can configure your favorite parser from the plugin options.
Markdown parser for export operations
When you export a single article from the post editor or in bulk from the dedicated plugin menu, the plugin will use the HTML to Markdown for PHP parser.
Automatically upload the Images referenced in the Markdown documents
When you reference images available in public URLs in the imported Markdown documents, the plugin can automatically upload them to the WordPress media library and update their URLs to reflect this change.
We implemented this feature to allow quick upload of complete articles without manually uploading images. You can turn this feature on or off from the plugin options.
Customize the REST API authentication method
Select the type of authentication required to access the REST API endpoints created by the plugin. The authentication methods available in the plugin options are:
- Cookies
- None
Configure the required capabilities
You can configure the WordPress capability required to access the plugin menu. Using this feature, you can, for example, allow users with the editor role to create Markdown documents but not to import and export them in bulk.
Yearly Plans
You can alternatively purchase yearly plans for 1, 5, or 25 websites. For more information, please see the Ultimate Markdown Pricing Section on our portal.
08.07.2024 - v1.14 - Initial release
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