WPIndeed Development WordPress Plugins
The team behind Indeed WordPress Extensions is composed of young website developers. We have been developing websites using all sorts of CMSs and of course a lot of popular extensions.
Ultimate Membership Pro – Official Website
Ultimate Affiliate Pro – Official Website
Our New Release Items
Ultimate Affiliate Pro
WP SuperBackup Clone&Migrate
Ultimate Membership Pro
Social Share & Locker Pro Wordpress Plugin
Social Share on Images AddOn – WordPress
Social Share & Locker Pro Theme Pack (W&B)
Easy Pricing Tables WordPress Plugin
Indeed Smart PopUp for WordPress
Coming Soon CountDown Responsive Wordpress Plugin
My Team Showcase WordPress Plugin
Team Showcase for Visual Composer WordPress Plugin
Testimonials Showcase Wordpress Plugin
Testimonials Showcase for Visual Composer Plugin
My Logos Showcase WordPress Plugin
Logos Showcase for Visual Composer WordPress
WordPress Custom Login Theme Page
Animation CSS3 Effects Wordpress Plugin
Animation CSS3 Effects – Visual Composer Wordpress
Nowadays the clients are more and more picky about the products they want and more often than not we have to make custom extensions because whatever is on the market does not fit their requirements. This is why we decided to share some of our work. The products are a direct result of practical need and have been useful to us and we hope they will be the same for you.
In time we’ll manage to put together all sort of WordPress extensions. The idea behind this project is to create a place where people can go and get the plugins and widgets they need to create a website.Also, because these products are a direct result of working with our clients, we have learned how to make the user interface as friendly as possible and make it intuitive even for people with little to no knowledge of PHP, CSS, all those boring acronyms for programming languages.
- 100 Sales – February 7, 2014
- Red Paw – February 2, 2014
- Brown Paw – November 22, 2013